cultivo de plantas

Crassula Perforata: Art Between Curves and Myths

Flavia Almeida

Discover the enchanting world of Crassula Perforata! Explore fascinating curiosities, unravel myths and learn essential care for growing this unique succulent. A journey of beauty and botanical mysteries.

Haworthia Fasciata: From Soil to Sun The Complete Growing Guide

Flavia Almeida

Discover the charm of Haworthia Fasciata! This post highlights care, curiosities and myths, revealing secrets for growing this unique succulent. Transform your garden with this botanical gem with its intriguing patterns and remarkable resistance.

Ric Rac Cactus: A Journey into the Secrets of Mexican Flora

Flavia Almeida

Discover the fascinating universe of the Ric Rac Cactus: its tropical origins, creeping growth habit, nocturnal flowers and debunking of myths. Cultivate wisely to enjoy its exotic beauty.

Mass Cane Plant Unraveled: From Myths to Botanical Curiosities

Flavia Almeida

Discover the charms of Mass Cane Plant (Dracaena fragrans) in this complete guide. From tropical origins to essential care, explore curiosities, myths and create a lush environment. Turn your cultivation into a unique botanical journey.

Lush Money Plant: 6 Growing Secrets

Flavia Almeida

Discover all the secrets of growing a lush Money Plant! Learn about propagation techniques, essential care and why this versatile plant is perfect for your home.

How to Care for Epipremnum Aureum: More than a Plant, a Lifestyle

Flavia Almeida

Discover the secrets of Epipremnum aureum (Golden Pothos) in our comprehensive guide! From care and curiosities to debunked myths, explore how to grow this versatile plant in your home. An invitation to a green and healthy journey!