Planting the DESERT ROSE: Magical Cultivation !

Incorporate the majesty of the desert into your garden with the Desert Rose. Follow our steps for an uncomplicated planting full of flowers.

Soil choice Opt for a well-drained substrate, adding sand to ensure adequate drainage for the Desert Rose.

Rose selection Choose healthy, vigorous seedlings. Observe the presence of buds and developed roots.

Correct Planting Dig a hole in the soil and place the seedling in it, pressing gently to secure it. Avoid burying the plant too deeply.

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Proper watering Start with moderate watering, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Avoid waterlogging to prevent root problems.

Sun exposure Place the Desert Rose in a sunny spot. This plant loves direct light for healthy growth and abundant flowering.

To plant the Desert Rose is to bring the exuberance of the desert to your own backyard. Follow our instructions and bloom with this botanical gem!